Jack the Ripper Map

1888 Map of Whitechapel & Spitalfields

James Thomas Sadler

Jack the Ripper Suspect – James Sadler

Sadler was a friend of Frances Coles, the last victim in the Whitechapel murders case.

Coles was murdered on 13 February 1891. Sadler was arrested, but there was very little evidence against him.

Sadler was briefly considered by the police as a Jack the Ripper suspect, but he was at sea at the time of the earlier murders, and he was released without charge.

Sadler was named in Macnaughten’s memorandum in connection with Coles’ murder. Macnaghten thought Sadler “was a man of ungovernable temper and entirely addicted to drink, and the company of the lowest prostitutes”, he thought any connection with the Ripper was unlikely.

Conclusion: James Thomas Sadler was not Jack the Ripper.

By Geoff Cooper

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